Frank R. Ezzo, Ph.D., ABPP
Dr. Ezzo maintained a private practice in Lake County for many years prior to accepting a position as Director of Training in an APA approved doctoral internship program in Clinical Psychology with a focus on Child and Adolescent Psychology. Dr. Ezzo has also been the Director of Family Evaluation Services in Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court and Associate Director of the Diagnostic Clinic in Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court. He is an adjunct faculty/instructor at Case Western Reserve Department of Psychiatry and is a faculty at the Judicial College, Supreme Court of Ohio. Dr. Ezzo is Board Certified in Couple and Family Psychology and Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (American Board of Professional Psychology). He is Past President of the American Board of Couple and Family Psychology, The Academy of Couple and Family Psychology, and Past President of the Couple and Family Psychology Specialty Council. Dr. Ezzo coauthored the 2018 Council for the Recognition of Specialties and Proficiencies in Professional Psychology Renewal Petition in the specialty of Couple and Family Psychology. He has made national presentations in the areas of juvenile risk assessment, allocation of parental rights and responsibilities, and child maltreatment. He has published articles in peer reviewed journals in child maltreatment focusing on parental risk and protective factors, use of the Jesness Inventory in identifying oppositional and defiant children/adolescents, in comparison to adolescents with conduct disorders. He has conducted research comparing MMPI-2-RF profiles in high conflict divorces with cases involving termination of parental rights. Dr. Ezzo has published several articles on juveniles’ competency to stand trial.
Dr. Ezzo received the Ohio Psychological Association’s Distinguished Psychologist Award for 2012 for his clinical and research contributions and advocacy with children, adolescents, and families. In 2013 he was elected a Fellow in the American Psychological Association for his contributions to psychology on a national level and presented a Fellow’s Address at the American Psychological Association’s AnnualMeeting in August 2014. In June 2014, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the Ohio Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts and was appointed chair of the Educational Committee. The American Psychological Association, Division 43, Society for Couple and Family Psychology awarded Dr. Ezzo the 2017 Distinguished Service Award.
Dr. Ezzo has participated in a National Institute of Mental Health research project on pediatric bipolar disorders. His clinical interests involve the treatment of children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families using evidence-based practices; with a special interest in the role of expressed emotion within the family in maintaining or alleviating the symptoms of a family member.
![Frank R. Ezzo Frank R. Ezzo, Ph.D., ABPP
Clinical Psychologist](
Child, Adolescent and Family Psychologist
8224 Mentor Ave, Suite 208
Mentor Ohio 44060
440-392-2222 EXT 852
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