Dr. Erin Kotkowski

Dr. Kotkowski is an independently licensed clinical psychologist. She provides formal psychological testing assessments for individuals aged 6 and up with an approach that is both supported by research as well as culturally sensitive. She also provides therapy for individuals aged 11 and up using an integrative approach in her work with clients providing psychoeducation, skill-building, and a safe space in which individuals can explore and process new or difficult thoughts and feelings. Dr. Kotkowski has experience working with a variety of concerns such as anxiety, depression, and trauma, and with the LGBTQ+ community. She has also spent many years researching and working with women who have experienced depression during pregnancy, postpartum depression, and trauma associated with difficulties during pregnancy.

Dr. Kotkowski applies psychological formal assessment to gain insight and provide recommendations for children, youth, and adults experiencing difficulties in academics, interpersonal interactions, or engaging in a fulfilling life. She is competent in assessing clients’ intelligence, personality, ADHD, Autism, and symptom profiles. Dr. Kotkowski is also well-equipped to aid clients in navigating the process of Gender Affirming Surgery and is experienced in evaluating readiness.

Dr. Kotkowski earned her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from The University of Akron, in Akron, Ohio. She earned her master's degrees in Applied Behavioral Analysis and Clinical Psychology and a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Washington, D.C. She has engaged in therapy and assessments in several private and community-based agencies in the D.C. area, completed her predoctoral internship at Cleveland State University's Counseling Center, and her postdoctoral training here at Behavioral Wellness Group.

Favorite Quote

"The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination." - Carl Rogers

Dr. Erin Kotkowski
Clinical Psychologist


Independently Licensed Clinical Psychologist;
Formal Psychological Testing Provider

8224 Mentor Ave, Suite 208
Mentor Ohio 44060


440-392-2222 EXT 415



Annual IOP Statistics Summary 2022

AREAS OF STRENGTH: • 100% of reviewed charts had ROI’s filled out and signed. This is an increase from 2021.• 100% of reviewed files had family involvement from start to finish or family involvement was offered to the IOP participant.• Overall, the total average of Quality-of-Life Scores was 3.6, meeting the goal of 3.6. This has been maintained from 2021.• Noticeably Improved Depression (53%) and Anxiety (51%) scores on average across all IOPs on empirically based measures. This is an…

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CARF Accreditation 2022

Glovan Pollak and Associates, dba: The Behavioral Wellness Group is very pleased to share with you that our programs are CARF Re-Accredited for the maximum allowable of Three years, until June 30, 2025! This is a testament to our commitment in meeting and exceeding the most stringent of professional standards! The Surveyors had many positive things to say in their report, including: A sincere expression of gratitude once again for being a huge part of our CARF Re-accreditation. We truly…

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