Posts by John Glovan
When Seasonal Changes Affect Your Moods
When Seasonal Changes Affect Your Moods Seasonal Affective Disorder How does one distinguish between winter blues and more serious conditions? Many feel sluggish or down during Fall and Winter months. The winter blues are pretty common. If this sadness is profound, it may be a sign of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a form…
Read MoreDoing Your Part to Decrease the Mental Health Stigma
Doing Your Part to Decrease the Mental Health Stigma May is Mental Health Awareness Month Yes, we have made great progress in decreasing the stigma that exists regarding mentalhealth issues and related treatment. However, we still have a long way to go. Severalrole models have recently “come out” in the media in an attempt to…
Read MoreWhen Someone You Love Struggles with Depression and Anxiety
When Someone You Love Struggles with Depression and Anxiety May is Mental Health Awareness Month and October 10th is World Mental Health Day every year. According to The World Health Organization, there are more than 350 Million people around the world who struggle with Depression alone. It has come to my attention by many of…
Read MoreWinter 2024 Seasonal Letter
Best Wishes to you and yours as we enter the New Year! The Behavioral Wellness Group remains committed to you and the care of your clients in this New Year! Thanks to your ongoing confidence in us, BWG has increased our number of therapists and services in other states (see website above for details) to…
Read MoreBecoming More of a Positive Person In Today’s World
We often hear about how we need to engage in physical exercise in order to be healthy. There are many options for physical exercise. We can do aerobic exercise to increase breathing and heart rate; there are anaerobic options which strengthen muscles; flexibility exercises stretch muscles and help keep us limber; balance exercises are very…
Read MoreWhen Seasonal Changes Affect Your Moods
Seasonal Affective Disorder How does one distinguish between winter blues and more serious conditions? Many feel sluggish or down during Fall and Winter months. The winter blues are pretty common. If this sadness is profound, it may be a sign of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a form of depression which results from decreased…
Read MoreCOVID update for the reopening of the office
The Behavioral Wellness Group will be returning to the physical office to begin seeing clients in person. This is for those clinicians and clients who prefer in-person sessions. A genuine thank you to all of you who tolerated our necessary move to virtual sessions during the pandemic. Below is a summary generally outlining what to…
Read MoreImproving Sleep – Especially During COVID-19
Many struggle with sleep issues on a regular basis, and this is a very common complaint during these unprecedented COVID-19 times. Changes in daily routines and schedules have resulted in many sleep-related issues to include: Sleep of course is always important but especially so during these times of increased emotional and physical stress. Benefits of…
Read MoreTen Years of Health and Wellness
After 10 years of running my IOP, I wanted to update you on the Health and Wellness IOP. It is appropriate for those who: Analyses of Pre and Post screenings show an average decrease of 75% in anxiety and depression as well as significantly improved quality of life. Pre and Post Pain Inventories show less…
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