Mr. Pollak has been running Dual Diagnosis Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) since 2003. It is one of the few programs in the area that combines the traditional 12-step model with Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, a thoroughly researched treatment modality. The program is created specifically for individuals over 18 with both addictive or compulsive issues (substance use, gambling, food, sex, etc.) and a mental health diagnosis (depression, anxiety, bipolar. etc.). The goals are to teach clients how to maintain “sobriety”, along with learning and practicing important coping skills to offset strong emotional responses that occur in a setting that is supportive and stable.
The idea of this IOP is for people who struggle with their compulsions and individual treatment has proven ineffective. This is not to say that individual therapy will not be effective in the future, but it is simply ineffective, currently. The goal is to get “sober” and implement various skills in order to offset any strong emotional issues that surface and threaten recovery. This is an open-ended 24 session hybrid (virtual and in-person) program and can be started at any time during the cycle. Click on Mr. Pollak’s profile to read testimonials of the program.
Michael Pollak, PCC-S, LICDC

Testimonial Disclosure Statement: Testimonials herein are unsolicited, anonymous and are received after care has been received in an attempt to assure healthy therapy relationships and confidentiality.
(Michael Pollak, Dual Diagnosis IOP) “It was overall a good experience. I am a changed person from when I started. Between this program and NA (which I never would have to without IOP). I feel like I have the ability to have a good life off of drugs. I never would have considered this possible a few months ago.”
(Michael Pollak, Dual Diagnosis IOP) “I felt that no matter the topic or issue, there was always an answer and explanation. My feelings were always validated, and I felt understood. On days where I wasn’t acting myself, I was brought out of it and Michael knew right away. I felt very comfortable sharing my history and receiving feedback. If a subject was touchy, he would make sure to verbalize it was okay to shut it down and made me feel very safe in this environment.”
(Michael Pollak, Dual Diagnosis IOP) “This IOP program has been life changing. Michael truly cares about his patients. I never felt judged or unable to speak my mind during the sessions. He also made sure that the group environment was one where we all felt safe, respected, and comfortable to have these difficult discussions about our addictions. I never imagined being able to talk about alcohol issues with anyone, but I felt so comfortable in our group that I was completely open and honest about everything. I also felt supported by Michael and the group members throughout this entire process. I never felt “alone”. I love that this program focuses on addiction but ALSO the underlying causes behind it such as depression, anxiety etc.... It helped me to understand why I have the relationship with alcohol that I did and how to handle emotions/situations without it. All of the skills we were taught were instantly applicable to real life. I honestly cannot think of anything that needs improvement. This has been one of the most important and best experiences of my life.
"Michael has saved my life. I know that might sound “dramatic”, but he truly has. I was headed down a bad path with alcohol and got my first legal problem with it. Alcohol was truly ruining the bright future I had worked so hard for, and I was terrified to quit and terrified not to quit as well. Completing the IOP has given that light back to me in regard to my future. I know it will continue to be hard work BUT I now have the skills and
confidence to be successful at sobriety. I cannot thank Michael and my fellow group members enough. I will always be thankful for this experience.”
(Michael Pollak, Dual Diagnosis IOP) “I thought Mike did an excellent job running the program. It really helped me. I really miss all the people I met in the IOP, and I wish everyone the best.”
"(Michael Pollak, Dual Diagnosis IOP) - You are caring and approachable. All clients are heard from, and time is set aside (for bigger issues to be discussed). I entered the program to deal with my anxiety and depression and learned so many new life skills that I can
now apply to my daily life.”
"Michael Pollak (Dual Diagnosis IOP) Creating an environment of support and respect that encourages recovery. Thank you so much for helping me! I'm so glad I did the program."
"Michael Pollak (Diagnosis IOP) giving people a place where they do not feel judged and can openly talk about difficult situations they’re enduring. Allowing group feedback is also a beautiful way to hear different outlooks. Great program, great people!!"
"The program, (Michael Pollak, Dual Diagnosis IOP) was amazing. The leadership from Mike was top notch. The program made me feel so included and welcomed."
"(Michael Pollak, Dual Diagnosis IOP) “This program is amazing, but the leadership of Michael Pollak is what drives this to be the best therapy I have ever received. I love the DBT skills and Sobriety focus together. I feel well equipped to carry on both in my sober life and with how I respond to people and my interpersonal skills. I also am way more cognizant of taking care of myself and treating myself way better. I cannot thank Michael enough for his leadership, how he facilitated the group, and how caring he is about each individual. I am forever grateful to have met him and been part of this amazing group. I will be providing an online recommendation as well. It's important for people to understand that mental health is health! Thank you for making it easy to care for myself. I am so grateful for the program and for Michael. I was so nervous to start but quickly became so comfortable in the group and it has so much to do with his facilitation skills. He fosters a strong environment where you can learn, receive/give feedback, and most importantly grow. I'm walking away from this feeling like I really have the skills to handle challenging life events and interpersonal situations. Thank YOU to the program and Michael for showing me the way!”
"Michael Pollak (Dual Diagnosis IOP) I felt heard, and my feelings acknowledged with no judgment or criticism. I was listened to and then provided feedback and tools to overcome some of the obstacles I face in my day to day. I learned a lot of interpersonal effectiveness skills that we’d continue to practice between sessions which made it easier to learn what works for me, and then apply to my daily life. Michael is a wealth of knowledge and knows how to work with each individual. Thank you so much for everything. I was hesitant to open up initially but feel that I was provided a safe space to discuss my issues and learn how to overcome and deal with effectively. I still have work to do, but I feel I am in the best position I can be in to continue my ongoing path to being the best mom I can be."
"Michael Pollak (Dual Diagnosis IOP) the ability to discuss my daily problems/obstacles/situations in detail has led me to substantially deal, accept and tackle anything that comes my way with a complete sober mind. This has led to vast improvements in every aspect of my life. ….I loved the program and think it could be useful to anyone. I can’t thank Mike and Saul enough on the services provided. I came in here on my own, out of pocket and wouldn’t have spent my money another other way!! I reached levels of confidence that I haven’t felt in years. I trust myself and enjoy sobriety to the fullest. I also learned that emotion pain and suffer will always be there BUT now I possess more than enough tools & wisdom to handle any negatives I face. This program is something special and can lead anyone who desires growth to fantastic results!!"
(Michael Pollak, Dual Diagnosis IOP) “Mike was absolutely fantastic. I felt like he really wanted me to succeed, really got to know me, he is a wonderful listener. Mike also challenged me when I relapsed in a gentle but accountable way that inspired my resolve to stay sober. I loved learning new skills to help me take care of myself and stay sober. This IOP saved my life. This group was a godsend after my major mental health crisis I learned to stay sober and obtained skills to take care of myself. I felt supported and cared for, and Mike was genuine, and I could tell he was rooting for me to succeed. I highly recommend BWG for any mental health needs!!!!!”