Michael J. Primc, M.D.

Dr. Primc is a general psychiatrist, providing treatment of mood, anxiety, and psychotic disorders for patients 18 years of age and older. He received his bachelor of arts in microbiology from Miami University. Board certified in psychiatry since 2000, he obtained his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University and completed his residency in psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin.

His initial focus is to understand exactly what is of primary concern to the client. Most often, this involves some form of threat or defeat. Together with the client, he steps back to get a better line of sight as to how to resolve this dilemma. Often, medications are used to contain the symptoms and to help with the process. Follow up appointments are then scheduled, varying in length between 15 to 30 minutes.

Dr. Primc has quite an extensive resume to include inpatient/outpatient hospital and community mental health as well private practice settings.

John Spiesman, Ed.D., MSW, LISW
Independent Social Worker


General Psychiatrist

8224 Mentor Ave, Suite 208
Mentor Ohio 44060


440-392-2222 EXT 405



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